Dee Younginn', hailing from Charlotte, NC, emerged from a bustling household with over a dozen siblings under his parents' roof. At just 19 years old, Dee thrives on challenges, embracing them as opportunities for growth rather than setbacks. From his early school days, he juggled responsibilities, supporting his family while staying abreast of the ever-evolving fashion scene. With an innate talent for wordsmithing, Dee found solace in writing, using his pen to weave tales of his life through lyrics and melodies. Post high school, he decided to hone his craft, delving into music with a newfound dedication. His efforts paid off, as his presence began to reverberate across the west side of Charlotte, eventually rippling through the entire city.

Dee's relentless pursuit of his musical aspirations led him to catch the attention of SCMG. In late 2021, he inked a deal with the label and promptly dropped two tracks, "New to Blow" and "On 2 Freestyle," signaling the beginning of an exciting new chapter in his burgeoning career.